PAR Group are ISO 14001:2015 Certified

PAR Group are ISO 14001:2015 Certified

Back in 2020, PAR Group received the ISO14001:2015 certification from WCS (World Certification Services) following an external audit. 

ISO14001:2015 is the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) for an environmental management system. This helps companies identify, monitor and manage their environmental issues, covering all environment issues such as air pollution, water/sewage issues, waste management, soil contamination, climate change mitigation and resource efficiency and use.

We recognise the importance of our role in helping to protect the environment and encourage sustainability as a company, but also as individuals. It’s with the help of all of our staff that we can implement and improve our environmental management systems.

Here at PAR Group we have procedures in place to follow and implement the principle of the three R’s; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. One way we try to reduce our energy and waste consumption is by having an LED lighting system in place fitted with PIR sensors, along with asking staff to switch off any electronic equipment or machinery that isn’t in use. We also reduce our paper waste by actively encouraging employees to communicate electronically and to send/receive documents in the same way so that we aren’t constantly printing and wasting paper.

We reuse any packaging that is practical to do so such as wooden pallets, cardboard, plastic and paper. PAR Group also have the facilities to recycle some engineering plastic materials during the manufacture of new products.

Recently we have installed solar panels at both of our Preston and Manchester sites in an attempt to reuse the natural solar energy to offset our electricity usage. As a result of this both sites are now solely running on the energy that is generated from these panels.

We attempt to recycle materials such as paper, cardboard, electronics and raw materials. Our glass, cardboard, paper and general plastics are collected and recycled by a waste management company and many of the plastics we work with such as Polycarbonate, Nylon and Acetal are separated internally and then sent onto a specialist waste recycling processor.

There are more plans in the works for us to play our part in helping the planet. We understand in the current climate that we have to constantly look for new ways to better care for and protect the environment. We look forward to these plans being implemented!

To read more on our environment and suistainability, please click here